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Welcome to The Hot Tag Foundation!

Hello everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to check out our website and make that connection into what we are trying to accomplish here at HTF. We are a group of life-long wresting fans who are dedicated to utilise the comradery and culture within the professional wrestling community, we aim to to this by partnering our ethos and mission statement with independent wrestling promotions and businesses to help create a positive representation of our community.

Through a multitude of well-constructed initiatives and donation drives, our first aim for 2024 will be to ensure that over 100+ children receive their introduction-to-wrestling boxes for Christmas this year and we aim to start at Hull's own New Generation Wrestling event: Ultimate Showdown on Friday 28th June at Hull City Hall! Featuring such stars as "The Amazing", Matt Myers, "The Professional", Nathan Cruz, and many more stars from the Britwres universe!

Tickets for this show are available here:

Please feel free to browse our brand new website and visit our social media platforms to see the latest updates from events and drives, and to see where we will be next!

Thank you everyone and remember, "you just gotta reach out!".

The team at The Hot Tag Foundation.


Contact Us

via email at:

or through our various

social media platforms:

Facebook: Hot Tag Foundation

Instagram: @hottagfoundation

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